Monday, 2 October 2017

Be that Change !!

Father of Nation is a true Change Ambassador for us ! 

Change happens at self first, followed by local which then becomes GLOBAL.... 

Let's be that change what we want to see in our world.
#rainwater #groundwater #water #savewater #raindrop

Friday, 29 September 2017

India’s passionate rainwater company : Vardhman Envirotech.

Rainwater harvesting at Vardhman Envirotech is our passion and obsession :
Vardhman Envirotech is ISO 9001 : 2015 accredited India's passionate Rain water harvesting company. We make your world Water Positive by scientific, efficient and advance technologies that harvest Rainwater !

We offer integrated solution for various applications of Rain water harvesting. Our work starts from Consulting, Designing, Supply, Installation, Maintenance and after sales services for Rain water Reuse, Injection well for Recharge, Lake management, Moisture retention and Aquifer management.

Our expertise is to offer site specific, simple and sensible solution to conserve crores of litres of Rainwater every year at nominal onetime cost!  Our Solutions are designed for individual Bunglows, Flats, Colonies, Town Ships, Institutions or Industries. We help Industries to Reuse rain water for daily need and further recharge ground water beneath.
Vardhman Envirotech is empanelled with many National, Multinational companies, leading architects and plumbing consultants.

#rainwater #groundwater #water #savewater

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Water for you, at your doot step, in your tank, free of cost !

Rainwater is the purest form of water available for three to four months which can satisfy our needs for the year if harvested in correct sources of water available to us or created by us.

In last decade, we (in Gujarat State) have received most intense Monsoon; almost 100 % Rainfall of season up to end August.  50 plus talukas have received 1000 mm rainfall which is really promising sign.  No doubt major state reservoirs are brimming up to the full to pump lot of water day in day our for all of us…Why not save our own water for ourself in our Tanks or Wells !  Let’s be little aware of the benefit of healthy, soft and pure water for our daily need which also reduces huge burdon of electricity and huge water distribution losses..

Most of the time, we let Rainwater flow to drainage which doesn’t address acute scarcity of fresh water…At the same time we keep extracting ground water at a rapid pace ! If we harvest, filter and divert this water in our borewell, rechargewell or Lakes / ponds, we can have extra storage of water for non monsoon days.

Let’s save our water !!!  

#rainwater #groundwater #water #savewater

Monday, 14 August 2017

Save your borewell to Save yourself !

A new tube well is sunk every six seconds on average in many parts of Asia. Over exploitation from bore wells resulted in multiple problems for groundwater. Depletion of water tables, saltwater encroachment, drying of aquifers, groundwater pollution, water logging and salinity, etc. are direct results of over exploitation.

It has been reported that in many parts of the country the water table is declining at the rate of 1-2 meter per year. Deterioration in groundwater quality by various causes is another serious issue. Increased arsenic content in shallow aquifers of in some parts of Asia reported recently has created panic among the groundwater users.

In Nutshell, all these issues are expected to reduce the fresh water availability for irrigation, domestic and industrial uses. If this trend continues unchecked, our planet will have major water crisis in the near future.

A sensible step to avert such critical situation is a step forward to harvest Rain water falling on Terraces / Roofs to existing bore wells ( direct injection of filtered rain water in aquifers ). Rain water with all floating impurities is diverted and filtered in Roof Top rwh Filter System and pure, clean rain water is channelized back to Mother Earth through existing bore wells. ( Productive wells / dried borewells or dead bore wells )..
#rainwater #savewater #deadwell #recharge #raindrop #raintap #rainy #waterforlife #rainreuse #borewell #borewellrecharge #groundwater

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Raindrop contains Nature, Beauty and Happiness !

Water is a precious but dwindling resource for India, but till a decade ago the country. The more we become modern, we lose sight from our resources. 

This is the fact when it comes to Ground Water….day by day lowering of the Water Table, excessive pumping results in wells to no longer be able to reach groundwater, Increased Costs, reduced surface water supplies, land subsidence and water Quality Concerns are various problems causing scarcity of water….RAIN WATER HARVESTING is single answer to all such rising concerns…Just catch as it falls and where it falls !    Raindrop contains Nature, Beauty and Happiness ! Let's not let it drain !

help : +91 7490007599.#rainwater #savewater #waterislife #lakemanagement #recharge #environment #raindrop #rainvardhman #surfacerunoff

Thursday, 8 June 2017

Water Tankers from the sky @ free of cost (by BWSSB, M/s Arujun Swaminat...

Harvesting Rain is just a day's job !

If all with dried - up bore well follow this procedure, by next summer, assuming good rain fall, we shall be self sufficient and money being spent on tankers can be saved !

This one day job hardly costs Rs. 15000 !

#rainwater #groundwater #water #recharge

Monday, 5 June 2017

Blue is new age Green : Rainwater on this World Environment Day !

The purest form of water available to us at free of cost; why do we not harvest, filter and put it back to Mother Earth ? This is neither expensive not costly. 

We let it flow to sea which doesn't address acute scarcity of fresh water...At the same time we keep extracting ground water at a rapid pace ! 

Many parts of this world are facing sever water crisis...Let's take a step forward to conserve RAIN Water for a better Tomorrow on 5th June, World Environment Day !!!    

We call this as Blue is new age Green....

#rainwater #groundwater #worldenvironmentday #water #raindrop

Friday, 2 June 2017

Rainwater harvesting : one solution to many problems !

Water crisis in the country-its origin, severity, effects of polluted water and implications are much greater than we ever have visualized !

It states that by 2025, India will deluded by water crisis with ground water depleting in all major cities and even Money CAN'T buy tanker water. May this be the single biggest problem paralyze the nation after 5 years. Let's harvest Rain - only solution to water crisis ! It's free , let's start.

Happy to help, Vardhman Envirotech +91 7490007599 #rainwater #groundwater #water 

Water scarcity dries up marriage prospects : Adopt Rainwater !

Its’ struggle for families to find brides in village which is water scarce at the border of Karnataka State; Kondhapura village.  Every morning, 42 year old Laxmi of this village has to cross interstate border in to Chikkanaduka village in Andhrapradesh’s Anantpur district and returns home with a pot of water.  It’s 10 km walk to and fro which means the daily wager has to forego her earnings !

Let’s harvest Rain; only solution to water crisis ! It’s free, Let’s start.  Happy to help..+91 7490007599 Vardhman Envirotech.
#rainwater #groundwater #waterforlife.

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Aim, Aspire and Achieve ! Rainwater Harvesting.

India is a ground water civilized Nation; Water is a common pool resource but its extraction is interpreted individual right. A Sociology-Economical perspective to this technical term could be to compute the true cost of water and make equity and sustainability core of our policy.

From water scarce to water positive status its the integrated thinking and steps for usage of water for soil moisture, irrigation, live stock, domestic, commercial purpose or Industrial requirement is crucial.

About 4 billion cubic meter of RAIN water gets wasted annually ( out of 16.5 bn cum total rain) as run off water without being tapped for Surface Storage or Ground Water Recharge. Sensible step to capture and conserve will help fast depletion of our ground water and help us to be a sustainable Society.

Let's Aim, Aspire and Achieve Water positive status for our India... Rainwater harvesting...stay tuned with us for insights on Rain Water…!… +91 9537977599.
#rainwater #groundwater #raindrop #rainy #raintap #recharge #waterforlife

Saturday, 27 May 2017

Cogent, Compelling and Convincing : Rainwater Harvesting…!

Groundwater and Surface water issues are varied and complex in our country, because there are remarkable variation in the availability and quality of water in our country !      Rain is most common, uniform and quality source of water available in the most varied, diversified, cultured, urbanized, industrialized, populated and water starved India ! It’s a great alternative of surface water in the form of blessed shower; available at free of cost !

Make things as simple as possible not simpler, said by Einstein once.  Same is true with water scenario in our Nation. Water’s fault lines : lifeline vs livelihood,  ground water vs surface water, property rights vs negative externalities, urban vs rural, demand vs supply management and source vs resource.

More than convincing; It’s now compelling to find water-social and water-economical solutions to combine with today’s techno-geographical perspectives to figure out the solution.  Rain Water Harvesting in simple, scientific, efficient and economical way that harvest each drop of quality water for Reuse and Recharge to lead us towards a water positive Nation…

Let’s start..It’s easy…… +91 9537977599.
#rainwater #groundwater #raindrop #rainy #raintap #recharge #waterforlife

Friday, 26 May 2017

3R to Rejoice Life.....!

Lets live simple,
Lets live healthy,
Lets Reuse Rain,
Lets Recharge Ground water,
Lets rejuvenate Mother Earth !


Monday, 15 May 2017

Catch the Rain closer to resource !

Seven billion people on the earth today are dependent on ground water for irrigation, industrial, environmental and domestic applications. As we all know 97 % of water on the Earth is salt water and only 3 % is fresh water. 
Rain is natural source of fresh water blessed for Life but most ignored for years together. Importance of rain water harvesting has gained momentum because of depletion in the ground water levels on account of rapid urbanization, industrialization and massive population growth.We offer simple, scientific and sensible Rain Water Harvesting technology to harvest rain water falling on Roof as well as Surface.   

Roof Rain Water :
Rainwater flowing through the roof drains carries impurities such as bird droppings, dry leaves, debris, etc. They are captured in compact, closed and wall mounted RAINTAP filter system through action of gravity and filtered through unique non metal filter element and diverted to underground tank, bore well, percolation well or dug well. RAINTAP is efficient, economical to harvest Rain falling on Roof Top for reuse and recharge our aquifers through recharge wells.

Large Industrial Roofs Rain Water :
Rainwater falling through large roofs flow with higher volume and flow. Vardhman’s unique Filter System allows filtration of bird droppings, dry leaves, debris, etc. through Filter system designed to be installed on surface. Rain water shall flow through filtration system by gravity and filtered through two stages of filter element and diverted to underground tank, bore well,

Surface Rain Water :
Rain water falling on surface normally drains out and results in loss of precious resource. Looking at the potential resource, space availability and collection area of facility; we offer unique “Non Clogging V Wire Technology for Surface water filtration”. Our patent forwarded design is proven for its performance in various terrains across India. This design is primarily aimed at locations with higher surface volume and flow. It is flexible enough to fit even on roadside, back yard or garden to capture, filter and reuse or recharge surface runoff.    
Catch the Rain where it falls, closer to resource. 

Our rainwater technology helps you save Lakhs of litres of water every year, lifetime.

Vardhman Envirotech

Amit Doshi ( Director ) 

57 articles

#rainwater #savewater #waterforlife #raintap #rainy #raindrop #borewell #groundwater #conservation #recharge #lakemanagement

Catch the Rain where it falls !

Seven billion people on the earth today are dependent on ground water for irrigation, industrial, environmental and domestic applications. As we all know 97 % of water on the Earth is salt water and only 3 % is fresh water. 
Rain is natural source of fresh water blessed for Life but most ignored for years together. Importance of rain water harvesting has gained momentum because of depletion in the ground water levels on account of rapid urbanization, industrialization and massive population growth.We offer simple, scientific and sensible Rain Water Harvesting technology to harvest rain water falling on Roof as well as Surface.   

Roof Rain Water :
Rainwater flowing through the roof drains carries impurities such as bird droppings, dry leaves, debris, etc. They are captured in compact, closed and wall mounted RAINTAP filter system through action of gravity and filtered through unique non metal filter element and diverted to underground tank, bore well, percolation well or dug well. RAINTAP is efficient, economical to harvest Rain falling on Roof Top for reuse and recharge our aquifers through recharge wells.

Large Industrial Roofs Rain Water :
Rainwater falling through large roofs flow with higher volume and flow. Vardhman’s unique Filter System allows filtration of bird droppings, dry leaves, debris, etc. through Filter system designed to be installed on surface. Rain water shall flow through filtration system by gravity and filtered through two stages of filter element and diverted to underground tank, bore well,

Surface Rain Water :
Rain water falling on surface normally drains out and results in loss of precious resource. Looking at the potential resource, space availability and collection area of facility; we offer unique “Non Clogging V Wire Technology for Surface water filtration”. Our patent forwarded design is proven for its performance in various terrains across India. This design is primarily aimed at locations with higher surface volume and flow. It is flexible enough to fit even on roadside, back yard or garden to capture, filter and reuse or recharge surface runoff.    
Catch the Rain where it falls, closer to resource. 

Our rainwater technology helps you save Lakhs of litres of water every year, lifetime.

Vardhman Envirotech

Amit Doshi ( Director ) 

57 articles

#rainwater #savewater #waterforlife #raintap #rainy #raindrop #borewell #groundwater #conservation #recharge #lakemanagement

Past, Present & Future of Water is Rain : Rainwater harvesting.

Past, Present & Future of Water is Rain. Our present is result of past actions & future shall be built on Present efforts. Be Rain focused.

#rainwater #savewater #waterforlife #raintap #rainy #raindrop #borewell #groundwater #conservation #recharge #lakemanagement

Catch the Rain where it falls : Rainwater harvesting

Catch the Rain where it falls, closer to resource. Our rooftop filter systems helps you save Lakhs of litres of water every year, lifetime @ nominal cost....

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Rainwater to drop waterstress !

Seven Billion hearts...One family...One Planet !

 The well-being of humanity, the environment, and the functioning of the economy, ultimately depend upon the responsible management of Water, resource can't be made in factory. 

Evidence is building that we are consuming much more water than what the planet can sustainably provide; and then we build stress !

Water is nearing critical tipping points of depletion or irreversible change, pushed by high population growth and economic development. By 2050, if current consumption and production patterns remain the same and with a rising population expected to reach 9.6 billion, we will need three planets to sustain our ways of living and consumption.

" Living within planetary boundaries is the most promising strategy for ensuring a healthy future. Human prosperity need not cost the earth. Living sustainably is about doing more and better with less.
It is about knowing that rising rates of natural resource use and the environmental impacts that occur are not a necessary by-product of economic

Let's conserve each drop of Rain to drop Water Stress ! +91 7490007599.

#rainwater #savewater #raindrop #rainy #raintap #popup #rooftoprain #recharge #environment #greenbuilding

Friday, 28 April 2017

Benefits of Rainwater harvesting : Vardhman Envirotech

You reap what you sow with your time.. Harvest Rainwater today, enjoy forever !  Pls find unbeatable benefits of harvesting Rainwater !

#rainwater #savewater #waterforlife #raintap #rainy #raindrop #borewell #groundwater #conservation #recharge #lakemanagement

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Rainwater will boost Economy !

India will get normal Monsoon this season and the distribution of Rainfall is expected to be good...

There is 38% chance of rainfall being closer to 100% of the average or more.

50% chance of weak El Nino in August-September.

Monsoon will be normal if June-September rainfall is between 96% and 102% of long period average.

Normal monsoon will help avoid food inflation..

Normal Monsoon gives fresh water for irrigation and domestic needs,  boosts rural economy. Rural demand increases sale of gold, cars, motorcycles, tractors and consumer goods.

Lets harvest Rainwater : blessings of Almighty God !

#rainwater #savewater #monsoon #waterforlife #rainy #raintap #raindrop #recharge #reuserain #rainbarrel

Monday, 24 April 2017

Save your Bore well : Just a day's work !

A new tube well is sunk every six seconds on average in many parts of Asia. Over exploitation from bore wells resulted in multiple problems for groundwater.  Depletion of water tables, saltwater encroachment, drying of aquifers, groundwater pollution, water logging and salinity, etc. are direct results of over exploitation.

It has been reported that in many parts of the country the water table is declining at the rate of 1-2 meter per year. Deterioration in groundwater quality by various causes is another serious issue. Increased arsenic content in shallow aquifers of in some parts of Asia reported recently has created panic among the groundwater users. 

In Nutshell, all these issues are expected to reduce the fresh water availability for irrigation, domestic and industrial uses. If this trend continues unchecked, our planet will have major water crisis in the near future.

A sensible step to avert such critical situation is a step forward to harvest Rain water falling on Terraces / Roofs to existing bore wells ( direct injection of filtered rain water in aquifers ). Rain water with all floating impurities is diverted and filtered in Roof Top rwh Filter System and pure, clean rain water is channelized back to Mother Earth through existing bore wells. ( Productive wells / dried borewells or dead bore wells )..

#rainwater #savewater #deadwell #recharge #raindrop #raintap #rainy #waterforlife #rainreuse #borewell #borewellrecharge #groundwater 

Sunday, 23 April 2017

Rainwater reduces your water footprint !

The water footprint (WF) was introduced in 2002 as an indicator of freshwater use that looks at both direct and indirect water use of a consumer or producer (Hoekstra, 2003). The Water Footprint Network (WFN) has since further developed the concept and related definitions (Hoekstra et al., 2011).

The water footprint of an individual, community or business is defined as the total volume of freshwater used to produce the goods and services consumed by the individual or community or produced by the business. The water footprint is a temporally and geographically explicit indicator, showing not only the volumes of water consumed and polluted but also when and where the water is consumed. The three WF components are defined as:

• blue water footprint: consumption of blue water resources (surface and groundwater);

• green water footprint: consumption of green water resources (rainwater insofar as it does not become run-off) (Falkenmark, 2003);

• grey water footprint: volume of freshwater that is required to dilute and thus reach a certain assimilation of the load of pollutants given natural background concentrations and existing ambient

#rainwater #waterforlife #savewater #rainreuse #recharge #well #green #environment #blueplanet

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Rainwater harvesting : a lifeline for 900 families!

Capturing Rainwater is the the most sustainable solution to deal with water scarcity in Rajasthan and specially when the technique is the traditional wisdom of desert state. 

According to Central Ground Water Board out of 243 blocks in Rajasthan 196 fall in critical zone. This means that in these regions the annual withdrawal of water from underground is more than what falls as Rain resulting in growing imbalance between demand and supply of water in the sate.

As per international Standard, availability of 500 Cum water is considered as absolute water scarcity.Well for India and Gravis have together repaired 895 Taankas of 21000 ltrs capacity in pabupura cluster in Phalodi. 

Now 900 families have water source at their door step for a period from 9 to 12 moths. Initiative of Rainwater harvesting has helped women saving time, money and labour. Their working hours reduced from 18 to 15 hours. Increased water availability for longer duration has reduced physical workload, mental stress and heath related problems of women..
Rainwater harvesting is truly empowering women who really empowers families...!

#Rainwater #savewater #waterforlife #water #conservewater #rainreuse #recharge #userain #raindrop #lakemanagement #freshwater #softwater. +91 7490007599