Saturday 27 May 2017

Cogent, Compelling and Convincing : Rainwater Harvesting…!

Groundwater and Surface water issues are varied and complex in our country, because there are remarkable variation in the availability and quality of water in our country !      Rain is most common, uniform and quality source of water available in the most varied, diversified, cultured, urbanized, industrialized, populated and water starved India ! It’s a great alternative of surface water in the form of blessed shower; available at free of cost !

Make things as simple as possible not simpler, said by Einstein once.  Same is true with water scenario in our Nation. Water’s fault lines : lifeline vs livelihood,  ground water vs surface water, property rights vs negative externalities, urban vs rural, demand vs supply management and source vs resource.

More than convincing; It’s now compelling to find water-social and water-economical solutions to combine with today’s techno-geographical perspectives to figure out the solution.  Rain Water Harvesting in simple, scientific, efficient and economical way that harvest each drop of quality water for Reuse and Recharge to lead us towards a water positive Nation…

Let’s start..It’s easy…… +91 9537977599.
#rainwater #groundwater #raindrop #rainy #raintap #recharge #waterforlife

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