Tuesday 25 April 2017

Rainwater will boost Economy !

India will get normal Monsoon this season and the distribution of Rainfall is expected to be good...

There is 38% chance of rainfall being closer to 100% of the average or more.

50% chance of weak El Nino in August-September.

Monsoon will be normal if June-September rainfall is between 96% and 102% of long period average.

Normal monsoon will help avoid food inflation..

Normal Monsoon gives fresh water for irrigation and domestic needs,  boosts rural economy. Rural demand increases sale of gold, cars, motorcycles, tractors and consumer goods.

Lets harvest Rainwater : blessings of Almighty God !

#rainwater #savewater #monsoon #waterforlife #rainy #raintap #raindrop #recharge #reuserain #rainbarrel

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