Wednesday 12 April 2017

Rainwater harvesting : a lifeline for 900 families!

Capturing Rainwater is the the most sustainable solution to deal with water scarcity in Rajasthan and specially when the technique is the traditional wisdom of desert state. 

According to Central Ground Water Board out of 243 blocks in Rajasthan 196 fall in critical zone. This means that in these regions the annual withdrawal of water from underground is more than what falls as Rain resulting in growing imbalance between demand and supply of water in the sate.

As per international Standard, availability of 500 Cum water is considered as absolute water scarcity.Well for India and Gravis have together repaired 895 Taankas of 21000 ltrs capacity in pabupura cluster in Phalodi. 

Now 900 families have water source at their door step for a period from 9 to 12 moths. Initiative of Rainwater harvesting has helped women saving time, money and labour. Their working hours reduced from 18 to 15 hours. Increased water availability for longer duration has reduced physical workload, mental stress and heath related problems of women..
Rainwater harvesting is truly empowering women who really empowers families...!

#Rainwater #savewater #waterforlife #water #conservewater #rainreuse #recharge #userain #raindrop #lakemanagement #freshwater #softwater. +91 7490007599 

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