Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Aim, Aspire and Achieve ! Rainwater Harvesting.

India is a ground water civilized Nation; Water is a common pool resource but its extraction is interpreted individual right. A Sociology-Economical perspective to this technical term could be to compute the true cost of water and make equity and sustainability core of our policy.

From water scarce to water positive status its the integrated thinking and steps for usage of water for soil moisture, irrigation, live stock, domestic, commercial purpose or Industrial requirement is crucial.

About 4 billion cubic meter of RAIN water gets wasted annually ( out of 16.5 bn cum total rain) as run off water without being tapped for Surface Storage or Ground Water Recharge. Sensible step to capture and conserve will help fast depletion of our ground water and help us to be a sustainable Society.

Let's Aim, Aspire and Achieve Water positive status for our India... Rainwater harvesting...stay tuned with us for insights on Rain Water…!

hi@vardhmanenvirotech.com… +91 9537977599.
#rainwater #groundwater #raindrop #rainy #raintap #recharge #waterforlife

Saturday, 27 May 2017

Cogent, Compelling and Convincing : Rainwater Harvesting…!

Groundwater and Surface water issues are varied and complex in our country, because there are remarkable variation in the availability and quality of water in our country !      Rain is most common, uniform and quality source of water available in the most varied, diversified, cultured, urbanized, industrialized, populated and water starved India ! It’s a great alternative of surface water in the form of blessed shower; available at free of cost !

Make things as simple as possible not simpler, said by Einstein once.  Same is true with water scenario in our Nation. Water’s fault lines : lifeline vs livelihood,  ground water vs surface water, property rights vs negative externalities, urban vs rural, demand vs supply management and source vs resource.

More than convincing; It’s now compelling to find water-social and water-economical solutions to combine with today’s techno-geographical perspectives to figure out the solution.  Rain Water Harvesting in simple, scientific, efficient and economical way that harvest each drop of quality water for Reuse and Recharge to lead us towards a water positive Nation…

Let’s start..It’s easy…hi@vardhmanenvirotech.com… +91 9537977599.
#rainwater #groundwater #raindrop #rainy #raintap #recharge #waterforlife

Friday, 26 May 2017

3R to Rejoice Life.....!

Lets live simple,
Lets live healthy,
Lets Reuse Rain,
Lets Recharge Ground water,
Lets rejuvenate Mother Earth !


Monday, 15 May 2017

Catch the Rain closer to resource !

Seven billion people on the earth today are dependent on ground water for irrigation, industrial, environmental and domestic applications. As we all know 97 % of water on the Earth is salt water and only 3 % is fresh water. 
Rain is natural source of fresh water blessed for Life but most ignored for years together. Importance of rain water harvesting has gained momentum because of depletion in the ground water levels on account of rapid urbanization, industrialization and massive population growth.We offer simple, scientific and sensible Rain Water Harvesting technology to harvest rain water falling on Roof as well as Surface.   

Roof Rain Water :
Rainwater flowing through the roof drains carries impurities such as bird droppings, dry leaves, debris, etc. They are captured in compact, closed and wall mounted RAINTAP filter system through action of gravity and filtered through unique non metal filter element and diverted to underground tank, bore well, percolation well or dug well. RAINTAP is efficient, economical to harvest Rain falling on Roof Top for reuse and recharge our aquifers through recharge wells.

Large Industrial Roofs Rain Water :
Rainwater falling through large roofs flow with higher volume and flow. Vardhman’s unique Filter System allows filtration of bird droppings, dry leaves, debris, etc. through Filter system designed to be installed on surface. Rain water shall flow through filtration system by gravity and filtered through two stages of filter element and diverted to underground tank, bore well,

Surface Rain Water :
Rain water falling on surface normally drains out and results in loss of precious resource. Looking at the potential resource, space availability and collection area of facility; we offer unique “Non Clogging V Wire Technology for Surface water filtration”. Our patent forwarded design is proven for its performance in various terrains across India. This design is primarily aimed at locations with higher surface volume and flow. It is flexible enough to fit even on roadside, back yard or garden to capture, filter and reuse or recharge surface runoff.    
Catch the Rain where it falls, closer to resource. 

Our rainwater technology helps you save Lakhs of litres of water every year, lifetime.

Vardhman Envirotech

Amit Doshi ( Director ) 

57 articles

#rainwater #savewater #waterforlife #raintap #rainy #raindrop #borewell #groundwater #conservation #recharge #lakemanagement

Catch the Rain where it falls !

Seven billion people on the earth today are dependent on ground water for irrigation, industrial, environmental and domestic applications. As we all know 97 % of water on the Earth is salt water and only 3 % is fresh water. 
Rain is natural source of fresh water blessed for Life but most ignored for years together. Importance of rain water harvesting has gained momentum because of depletion in the ground water levels on account of rapid urbanization, industrialization and massive population growth.We offer simple, scientific and sensible Rain Water Harvesting technology to harvest rain water falling on Roof as well as Surface.   

Roof Rain Water :
Rainwater flowing through the roof drains carries impurities such as bird droppings, dry leaves, debris, etc. They are captured in compact, closed and wall mounted RAINTAP filter system through action of gravity and filtered through unique non metal filter element and diverted to underground tank, bore well, percolation well or dug well. RAINTAP is efficient, economical to harvest Rain falling on Roof Top for reuse and recharge our aquifers through recharge wells.

Large Industrial Roofs Rain Water :
Rainwater falling through large roofs flow with higher volume and flow. Vardhman’s unique Filter System allows filtration of bird droppings, dry leaves, debris, etc. through Filter system designed to be installed on surface. Rain water shall flow through filtration system by gravity and filtered through two stages of filter element and diverted to underground tank, bore well,

Surface Rain Water :
Rain water falling on surface normally drains out and results in loss of precious resource. Looking at the potential resource, space availability and collection area of facility; we offer unique “Non Clogging V Wire Technology for Surface water filtration”. Our patent forwarded design is proven for its performance in various terrains across India. This design is primarily aimed at locations with higher surface volume and flow. It is flexible enough to fit even on roadside, back yard or garden to capture, filter and reuse or recharge surface runoff.    
Catch the Rain where it falls, closer to resource. 

Our rainwater technology helps you save Lakhs of litres of water every year, lifetime.

Vardhman Envirotech

Amit Doshi ( Director ) 

57 articles

#rainwater #savewater #waterforlife #raintap #rainy #raindrop #borewell #groundwater #conservation #recharge #lakemanagement

Past, Present & Future of Water is Rain : Rainwater harvesting.

Past, Present & Future of Water is Rain. Our present is result of past actions & future shall be built on Present efforts. Be Rain focused.

#rainwater #savewater #waterforlife #raintap #rainy #raindrop #borewell #groundwater #conservation #recharge #lakemanagement

Catch the Rain where it falls : Rainwater harvesting

Catch the Rain where it falls, closer to resource. Our rooftop filter systems helps you save Lakhs of litres of water every year, lifetime @ nominal cost....

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Rainwater to drop waterstress !

Seven Billion hearts...One family...One Planet !

 The well-being of humanity, the environment, and the functioning of the economy, ultimately depend upon the responsible management of Water, resource can't be made in factory. 

Evidence is building that we are consuming much more water than what the planet can sustainably provide; and then we build stress !

Water is nearing critical tipping points of depletion or irreversible change, pushed by high population growth and economic development. By 2050, if current consumption and production patterns remain the same and with a rising population expected to reach 9.6 billion, we will need three planets to sustain our ways of living and consumption.

" Living within planetary boundaries is the most promising strategy for ensuring a healthy future. Human prosperity need not cost the earth. Living sustainably is about doing more and better with less.
It is about knowing that rising rates of natural resource use and the environmental impacts that occur are not a necessary by-product of economic

Let's conserve each drop of Rain to drop Water Stress ! hi@vardhmanenvirotech.com +91 7490007599.

#rainwater #savewater #raindrop #rainy #raintap #popup #rooftoprain #recharge #environment #greenbuilding