Friday 24 March 2017

Let clouds stay in your tank !

Global fresh water withdrawals are estimated at 3,928 Km3 per year.  Excessive pumping is lowering ground water levels every day resulting in huge cost of electricity; It also results in deteriorating quality of water in addition to wastage of water on account of  processing it through RO / Softening plant…. Bungalows, Industries, Institutions or Habitats dependent on ground water must introspect and take steps to limit the ground water usage; simply by start using Rain Water in the tank during Rainy Days !  This will give 3 major benefits 1. Reduction in huge pumping cost 2. No need to treat Rain water through RO or Soften it so no further wastage of water  3. Limit the ground water withdrawal.
Lets invite clouds to stay in Our tank…….! 
#Rainwaterharvesting #savewater #raindrop #saverain
#freshwater #rainrecharge #reuserain

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