Sunday, 26 March 2017

Harvest Rain when rains : India can survive just 1 drought : Government.

As India is preparing for a harsh summer – the India Meteorological Department (IMD) forecasts temperatures will be 1 degree C above normal in most parts – the latest information from the Union water resources ministry reveals that India can sustain only one drought season, given its live storage.
The numbers make for grim reading. A country is classified water stressed if per capita availability is less than 1,700 cum. In India, the reading against this parameter is 1,545 cum. Factoring multiple variables, including population, the ministry predicts availability could fall to 1,341 cum in 2025, and even plummet to 1,140 com in 2050 which is perilously close to a water scarcity condition ( per capita availability is less than 1,000 cum ).
While the prevailing bleak situation can be attributed to successive droughts, the condition is largely a consequence of over exploitation and pollution over the years.
Another set of documents from the ministry of drinking water and sanitation throw disturbing fact into stark relief; water in 320 out of 640 districts in the country is contaminated. Among the pollutants are fluoride, arsenic, other chemicals and heavy metals such as chromium and lead.   Contaminated water affects more than 6 lakh habitations directly, while many more are adversely affected indirectly.  According to the Union health ministry, five diseases that result from water contamination have claimed more than 18000 lives in the past seven years…. As published by The TIMES OF INDIA 25th March 2017, Ahmedabad.

#rwh #rainwater #savewater #environment #rainrecharge # rainreuse #saveplanet #softwater #freshwater

Friday, 24 March 2017

Let clouds stay in your tank !

Global fresh water withdrawals are estimated at 3,928 Km3 per year.  Excessive pumping is lowering ground water levels every day resulting in huge cost of electricity; It also results in deteriorating quality of water in addition to wastage of water on account of  processing it through RO / Softening plant…. Bungalows, Industries, Institutions or Habitats dependent on ground water must introspect and take steps to limit the ground water usage; simply by start using Rain Water in the tank during Rainy Days !  This will give 3 major benefits 1. Reduction in huge pumping cost 2. No need to treat Rain water through RO or Soften it so no further wastage of water  3. Limit the ground water withdrawal.
Lets invite clouds to stay in Our tank…….! 
#Rainwaterharvesting #savewater #raindrop #saverain
#freshwater #rainrecharge #reuserain

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Happy World Water Day : Rain Water Harvesting !

Rain falls upon Tree;  Trees get growth
Rain falls upon River; Rivers flow for life
Rain falls upon fire; Fire pulls itself back
Rain falls upon flower; Flower gets fragrance
Rain falls upon us; We smile with joy !

Set your heart on drop of Rain and  seek out the source which shines forever…!  Happy world water day!

Friday, 17 March 2017

Capture, Conserve & Consume

Rain Water…Life showered by Almighty God….Our ‘ CCC ‘ theme is all about three simple things :

1 Catch the Rain where it falls ! and Get closer to the Resource !
2 Conserve Roof water after filtration in Tanks and Surface rain water in Recharge well / percolation well/ lake
3 Consume soft water with Care !

#Rainwaterharvesting #Savewater #Recharge #Reuse #percolationwell #injectionwell #lakemanagement

Thursday, 9 March 2017

12 things towards a water positive planet !

Rain is a life of water…Watch this space for Insights till 22nd  March 17 World water day !  We look at Rain Water Harvesting with different perspective. We shall keep posting new insight every day till World Water Day 22nd March 2017 !   #Rainwaterharvesting

Saturday, 4 March 2017

Rain water harvesting : our passion & obsession !

Water as we all know; is the most essential element for humans. Five elements Earth, Water, Light (heath), Air and Vacuum give us energy to live healthy and happy life.  Same way the well-being of humanity, environment and the functioning of the economy depend upon the sensible conservation of the planet’s natural resources.

“DivyaJalkapataljal se Milan”… “The holy water that we get from our God Father; we must give it back to our mother Earth.”   A water positive habitat shall only lead to a sustainable Life….

Vardhman Envirotech’s passion, vision, mission and action is conserving rain water for a better tomorrow.

Get in touch with our experts :  +91 7490007599 :