Saturday 8 October 2016

Twenty insights of Rain !


1.      Gives fresh drinking water for all

2.      Maintains Ecological balance

3.      Raises Ground water level

4.      Augments the fresh water storage

5.      Arrests Saline water intrusion in Fresh water

6.      Improves ground water quality phenomenally

7.      Gives Food security through sustainable irrigation.

8.      Minimizes water pollutions

9.      Reduces health risks and hazards

10.  Averts disasters

11.  Brings down Water Footprint

12.  Zero hardness; avoids treatment and wastage

13.  Helps grow green cover

14.  Balances entire Eco System and life cycle

15.  Reduces Soil Erosion

16.  Recharged rain water increases productivity of aquifer
17.  Rejuvenates other sources of water

18.  Dilutes impurities from ground water.

19.  Frees rural households from hard physical work to collect water daily

20.  Gives us Healthy and Happy life

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