Saturday, 24 December 2016

Idea, Intention, Initiative : water positive Habitat

Rain Water available in abundant quantity for daily storage and recharge or both !  Starting with reuse for daily need is the first wise decision and excess water is to be diverted to recharge structures i.e. Injecting Rain Water directly in to existing bore well, recharge well, dug well or simply a percolation well.  Recharge of Rain water depends on the ability of Mother Earth to accept Rain Water; i.e. aquifer pattern beneath.   Here is a simple guide that will help you decide your next step ( Storage or Recharge ) after collecting and Filtering Rain Water from Roof top !

Friday, 2 December 2016

50,000L Rain water@1000 Sq.ft Roof: Drops of Development

It takes 200 litres of water to produce the coffee beans for one cup of coffee
It takes 15,000 litres of water to produce 1 kg of beef.
It takes 100 litres to make 2 slices of bread and 65 litres to make the cheese filling in your sandwich.
It takes 150 litres of water to make one pint (568ml) of beer

It takes 10,000 litres of water to produce a kilo of cotton for a shirt and a pair of jeans

It takes 200 ltrs of water for a 5 minute shower
It takes 8 litres to flush a toilet
Just 1000 sq. ft of Roof to save 50,000 Litres of Rain Water

Saturday, 8 October 2016

Twenty insights of Rain !


1.      Gives fresh drinking water for all

2.      Maintains Ecological balance

3.      Raises Ground water level

4.      Augments the fresh water storage

5.      Arrests Saline water intrusion in Fresh water

6.      Improves ground water quality phenomenally

7.      Gives Food security through sustainable irrigation.

8.      Minimizes water pollutions

9.      Reduces health risks and hazards

10.  Averts disasters

11.  Brings down Water Footprint

12.  Zero hardness; avoids treatment and wastage

13.  Helps grow green cover

14.  Balances entire Eco System and life cycle

15.  Reduces Soil Erosion

16.  Recharged rain water increases productivity of aquifer
17.  Rejuvenates other sources of water

18.  Dilutes impurities from ground water.

19.  Frees rural households from hard physical work to collect water daily

20.  Gives us Healthy and Happy life

Saturday, 1 October 2016

Know the water facts : Rain is Life.

55% of domestic treated water can be be substituted for rainwater

85% of water used for commerce & industry doesn’t need drinking standard

The garden can consume up to 50% of peak water demand in the summer.

0.905 Kwh of electricity is used to dispose approx. 1000 ltre of water

0.404 Kg of Carbon Dioxide is generated while disposing 1000 ltr of water

30-40% of house hold water consumption goes for Toilet flushing; that’s up to 70% for offices and industries.

Washing machines use approximately 14% of domestic water.

Average family uses approximately 70,000 litres per year on toilet flushing, clothes washing, and outside use.

5% water of household consumption is used for drinking. 95% of water is used for other domestic needs.

A fifth of households in India have to walk at least 500 meters for water; this amounts to equivalent of nearly 7 crore days.

The demand for water has been growing by 1% per year for the past 75 years; on an average a person uses 135 to 150 litres of water a day.

A leaky tap in the office toilets or canteen kitchen can waste 60 litres an hour (5mm stream) or nearly half your daily usage.

Many companies save up to 50% of their water costs through implementing simple Rain water harvesting and water conservation measures.

Rain water has zero hardness; leaves on limescale on appliances.

663 million people worldwide live without access to safe water as per WHO.

$260 billion annually of total global economic losses associated with inadequate water supply and sanitation as per WHO.

97.5 % Salty water is the major portion of our Blue planet; while small portion i.e. 2.5 % is left as fresh water; of this 70 % is in glaciers and 30 % is ground water…

India has world’s 18% population but only 4 % water resource.

75% of Rivers found contaminated due to human, agriculture or industrial waste

Human beings are 7/10th of Water

Ground water levels have depleted substantially in most geographies of India.

More than 639 districts observed excess salt, fluoride, nitrate, iron, chromium, lead, cadmium and arsenic levels in Ground Water. Natural way to solve this is dilution with Rain Water by the way of Recharge

Soon we will have to pay for water twice, as it enters our property and as it leaves it.

Only 35 % of water out of average 1200 mm of Rain fall per year in India is utilized, balance drains down to the Sea…

Rain is the fundamental source of water; a primary source that feeds all other sources of water and entire Eco System.

Roof of 2000 Sq. Ft area can get you more than 1 Lakh litres of rainwater a year.

80 % of Human brain is water…Mind it well !

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Water is powerful !

Water is powerful;
It can wash away earth,
put off fire,
destroy iron,
carve space through stone,
sip through fingers; yet holds huge Ships
keeps searching new path !...............Truly said Water is Life ! 

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Water conflict ?

Bangaluru; India’s Software Capital has come to standstill on Cauvery river water dispute.  Riots over water are increasingly shattering peace, tranquility and public life mainly due to growing shortage of water.    India accounts for about 17% of world’s population but has only 4 % of world’s fresh water resources.   Approx 1544 Cubic meter per capita annual water availability is driving us from Water Stressed to Water Scarce status since our demand and consumption is rapidly growing…

At present Irrigation sector consumes about 84 % of total available water followed by Industrial at 12 % and Domestic at 4%.  All three sectors are mainly dependent on Ground Water.  About 62.4 % irrigation needs, 85 % of rural drinking water needs and 50 % of urban water needs are fulfilled from Ground Water.  This has resulted in 62.2 % of 6600 blocks across India; being categorized as over exploited by Central Ground Water Board. And continuous irresponsible over exploitation at current rate will lead to exhaustion of ground water in time to come.

Key ares that can help us to bring positive water balance are rejuvenation and recharge of ground water as well as restoration and renovation of existing water bodies by adopting techniques of harvesting huge volume of Rain Water.  We need to capture each drop of water falling on our roofs and surface to combat the growing shortage of water. Rain Water must be captured, filtered and directly put to reuse for all domestic applications after storing in underground, over ground and overhead tanks.

Rain falling on open lands, lose soil / grounds,  roads, large premises can be channelized to low lane areas where it can be diverted back by Injection well / Recharge well technology to Mother earth in order to recharge bore wells of surrounding localities.

It’s high time to wake up to the call and adopt Rain Water Harvesting to resolve water conflict and bring positive water balance for Sustainable Environment.

Saturday, 10 September 2016

663 million people live without safe water....

663 million people worldwide live without access to safe water. More than a statistic, this is a daily reality (WHO).

$260 billion annually of total global economic losses associated with inadequate water supply and sanitation (UNICEF ).

1 child dies every 90 seconds because of a diarrhoeal disease caused by contaminated water and poor sanitation. This is more than HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined (WHO).

As the Rig Veda’s famous Nadistuti Sukta described water as Life bestowing, life  nurturing and life protecting ! It’s time to be sensible to the nature’s free gift for the sustainable future of our Planet.  Among major sources of water; RAIN is purest form of water available; but unfortunately we don’t consider it as a resource and letting it drain down every year; and then become dependent upon tankers during summer ?

It is easy to build a simple Rain Water Harvesting system to boost decentralized water conservation at point of usage.   Rainwater harvesting systems are simple to install and maintain. Even lay man can do it with little bit of plumbing work or with the help of a local plumber.   Rain water harvesting is convenient in the sense that it provides water at the point of consumption, and family members have full control of their own systems, which greatly reduces operation and maintenance problems. Running cost is negligible. Water collected from roof catchments usually is of acceptable quality for domestic purposes. As it is collected using existing structures not specially constructed for the purpose.  Although regional or other local factors can modify the local climatic conditions, rainwater can be a continuous source of water supply for both the rural and poor. Depending upon household capacity and needs, both the water collection and storage capacity may be increased as needed within the available catchment area. Or the option of well recharge be explored to raise the ground level.

Get in touch : +91 9537977599 ,

Monday, 22 August 2016

Drop contains more than Ocean !

1/100th of 1% Fresh water is available for humans.  Management of Earth’s most precious resource in a more simple, scientific, sensible and smart way is mandatory because 1.1 bn people live without clean water and thousands of children get infected each day due to water born diseases.

Drop of Rain is a life time free and gracious gift given to us. Pure, soft fresh water can be simply harvested in our Tanks, Lakes, Dug wells or Bore wells for future use. Billions of litres of fresh water otherwise drains down to Oceans which can be used directly for our various requirements.

Let’s realize this and take a step forward ! It’s really easy ! 

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Simple, scientifice and sensible solutions for Rain Water Harvesting.

We make falling water walk, walking water crawl, crawling water stand & standing water percolate. 


We help you to harvest rain water where it falls.. be it roof or surface !

Saturday, 13 August 2016

Vardhman Envirotech on Rain Water Harvesting !

Drop of Life !

Let’s make falling water walk, walking water crawl, crawling water stand & standing water percolate.

From water scarce to water positive India; its the integrated thinking and action to replenish our ground water and surface water bodies like reservoirs, lakes, rivers, dams for soil moisture, irrigation, live stock, domestic, commercial purpose or Industrial requirement is a need of hour.

Billions of cubic meter of RAIN water gets wasted annually ( out of 16.5 bn cum total rain) as run off water without being tapped for Surface Storage or Ground Water Recharge.  We shall be happy to help you harvest rain where it falls whether roof or surface.

Let’s take first step forward !