Sunday, 25 September 2016

Water is powerful !

Water is powerful;
It can wash away earth,
put off fire,
destroy iron,
carve space through stone,
sip through fingers; yet holds huge Ships
keeps searching new path !...............Truly said Water is Life ! 

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Water conflict ?

Bangaluru; India’s Software Capital has come to standstill on Cauvery river water dispute.  Riots over water are increasingly shattering peace, tranquility and public life mainly due to growing shortage of water.    India accounts for about 17% of world’s population but has only 4 % of world’s fresh water resources.   Approx 1544 Cubic meter per capita annual water availability is driving us from Water Stressed to Water Scarce status since our demand and consumption is rapidly growing…

At present Irrigation sector consumes about 84 % of total available water followed by Industrial at 12 % and Domestic at 4%.  All three sectors are mainly dependent on Ground Water.  About 62.4 % irrigation needs, 85 % of rural drinking water needs and 50 % of urban water needs are fulfilled from Ground Water.  This has resulted in 62.2 % of 6600 blocks across India; being categorized as over exploited by Central Ground Water Board. And continuous irresponsible over exploitation at current rate will lead to exhaustion of ground water in time to come.

Key ares that can help us to bring positive water balance are rejuvenation and recharge of ground water as well as restoration and renovation of existing water bodies by adopting techniques of harvesting huge volume of Rain Water.  We need to capture each drop of water falling on our roofs and surface to combat the growing shortage of water. Rain Water must be captured, filtered and directly put to reuse for all domestic applications after storing in underground, over ground and overhead tanks.

Rain falling on open lands, lose soil / grounds,  roads, large premises can be channelized to low lane areas where it can be diverted back by Injection well / Recharge well technology to Mother earth in order to recharge bore wells of surrounding localities.

It’s high time to wake up to the call and adopt Rain Water Harvesting to resolve water conflict and bring positive water balance for Sustainable Environment.

Saturday, 10 September 2016

663 million people live without safe water....

663 million people worldwide live without access to safe water. More than a statistic, this is a daily reality (WHO).

$260 billion annually of total global economic losses associated with inadequate water supply and sanitation (UNICEF ).

1 child dies every 90 seconds because of a diarrhoeal disease caused by contaminated water and poor sanitation. This is more than HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined (WHO).

As the Rig Veda’s famous Nadistuti Sukta described water as Life bestowing, life  nurturing and life protecting ! It’s time to be sensible to the nature’s free gift for the sustainable future of our Planet.  Among major sources of water; RAIN is purest form of water available; but unfortunately we don’t consider it as a resource and letting it drain down every year; and then become dependent upon tankers during summer ?

It is easy to build a simple Rain Water Harvesting system to boost decentralized water conservation at point of usage.   Rainwater harvesting systems are simple to install and maintain. Even lay man can do it with little bit of plumbing work or with the help of a local plumber.   Rain water harvesting is convenient in the sense that it provides water at the point of consumption, and family members have full control of their own systems, which greatly reduces operation and maintenance problems. Running cost is negligible. Water collected from roof catchments usually is of acceptable quality for domestic purposes. As it is collected using existing structures not specially constructed for the purpose.  Although regional or other local factors can modify the local climatic conditions, rainwater can be a continuous source of water supply for both the rural and poor. Depending upon household capacity and needs, both the water collection and storage capacity may be increased as needed within the available catchment area. Or the option of well recharge be explored to raise the ground level.

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